When it is discovered that nineteen year old John Briggs, a married man with two young children, has seduced his thirteen-year old babysitter he is locked up for one year in a Young Offender’s Institution. His reputation forever tarnished because of the incident, and after a savage assault by a psychotic inmate, a promising career as a professional footballer is also ruined. Money, fame and fortune disappear down life`s plug-hole.
A year later, older, a little wiser, he returns to his colliery village in the North East of England and tries to rebuild his life. Unable to return to his old job he manages to secure employment delivering coal for a local entrepreneur. His life becomes a roller-coaster when, shortly after becoming a partner in the firm, his employer has a fatal heart attack.
With a young family to support and a deepening resolve to succeed, John battles against his employer’s scheming ex-wife for a share of the thriving business. A mix of guile and grit allows him to outwit his adversary and become a self-employed businessman.
John Briggs imagines he has made it, thinks he has crawled from the gutter and made something of his life. He is euphoric, on the crest of a wave, when suddenly his life his put on hold as his past catches up with him.
Someone begins to stalk his family. Someone wants to destroy his life.
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