A prophecy book like no other. In this book you will read how the author for the last forty years has been pulled from his body supernaturally to meet God The Father and also Jesus Christ. He has seen Jesus face to face numerous times, he saw the future world war three between the US and Russia from the great white throne room and was commanded to write what he saw. He also came face to face with the devil who threatened and attacked his family for writing his books. In the 1990's he was visited by an angel who told him the mark of the beast would be a microchip taken in the right hand or forehead which will be smaller than the size of a grain of rice (possibly initially under the guise of a Covid vaccine passport or made voluntary at first) and will be connected to your bank account. The author warns never to take this mark, worship the beast or his image, as it will lead to eternal hell for whowever takes it. The greatest trick the devil pulled was to convince the world he does not exist, that he is some kind of cartoon character. But he is real, Jesus is real as is heaven and hell. A fantastic true story which has to be read.

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