The Judy Dosh series features the lives of a group of imaginary people and their struggles to get on with life and each other.
It will appeal to people in the 20 to 50-year-old age group who have lived through the many complications that modern life has thrown at us. Although it is Perth-based the book will appeal to anybody living a Western lifestyle in the 21st-century.
The characters include the married, the divorced, as well as those who are still single. There are a number of gay characters.
It will appeal to those who like weird and wacky. Judy has a pet rock which has magic powers and often interferes in her life whether she wants it to or not. (But she has been known to use his magic to her own benefit!)
But it will also appeal to those who like a good laugh. There is a light-hearted atmosphere through most of the book. The characters are mostly appealing and funny. But, as Father Ed, one of the characters in the book, said about a play he saw, "it makes you laugh, but it also makes you think".
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