This is a universal callout to the masses of all Black African Women. This non-fiction book is simply a guide to help you choose better when you are searching for a mate and you are not the type of Black African Woman to choose any other Man than the Black African Man. It is with pleasure I open these doors to the reality of the existence of our people. This truth will open your eyes to whom, what and why, when it comes to the differences in the Black African Men you choose. On this journey my wish is to enlighten the Black African Woman to exactly what she is dealing with when it comes to US. I pray that I help you on this difficult journey.
- 9781499020793
- 9781499020793
- Self-help & personal development
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Xlibris US
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