Juvenile Literature and British Society, 1850-1950

Juvenile Literature and British Society, 1850-1950

by Charles Ferrall and Anna Jackson
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 10/05/2012

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In this study, Charles Ferrall and Anna Jackson argue that the Victorians created a concept of adolescence that lasted into the twentieth century and yet is strikingly at odds with post-Second World War notions of adolescence as a period of "storm and stress." In the enormously popular "juvenile" literature of the period, primarily boys’ and girls’ own adventure and school stories, adolescence is acknowledged as a time of sexual awareness and yet also of a romantic idealism that is lost with marriage, a time when boys and girls acquire adult duties and responsibilities and yet have not had to assume the roles of breadwinner or household manager. The book reveals a concept of adolescence as significant as the Romantic cult of childhood that preceded it, which will be of interest to scholars of both children’s literature and Victorian culture.

Literature: history & criticism
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis
Anna Jackson

Anna Jackson is Keeper of the Asian department at London’s Victoria & Albert Museum and Honorary Curator of the Khalili Collection.

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