Key Facts has been specifically written for students studying Law. It is the essential revision tool for a broad range of law courses from A Level to degree level. Consumer Law is also relevant to courses for Trading Standards Officers and many Business Studies courses.
The series is written and edited by an expert team of authors whose experience means they know exactly what is required in a revision aid. They include examiners, barristers and lecturers who have brought their expertise and knowledge to the series to make it user-friendly and accessible.
Chapters include: The character of consumer contracts / Consumer protection in contract law / Contracts for sale of goods / Unsolicited goods / Distance selling / Contracts to provide services / Protection under the law of tort / Exemption clauses & unfair terms in consumer contracts / The Consumer Protection Act 1987 / Criminal Law as a means of consumer protection / Consumer finance / Trade Descriptions Act 1968 / Misleading proce indications / Regulating advertising / Insurance / Holidays / Food.
- 9781444165791
- 9781444165791
- Military & defence law
- Format:
- PDF (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Routledge
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