Set in New Zealands beautiful Golden Bay region, Korimako is a story of unanticipated love and new beginnings. Mike Robinson, recently retired and widowed, decides to restart his life and build a log house in Puponga, a remote settlement at the base of Farewell Spit. Mereana Marshalls marriage was never founded on love and has ended with physical abuse. She escapes to Puponga to decide her future. Mike and Mereana meet and a relationship develops, despite their different cultural backgrounds and twenty-year age difference, but their peaceful idyll in Puponga is threatened when they discover hidden cannabis plantations and experience the wrath of the drug dealers involved.
- 9781456806392
- 9781456806392
- Fiction
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Xlibris NZ
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