Leadership in a Zoom Economy with Microsoft Teams

Leadership in a Zoom Economy with Microsoft Teams

by Peter Ward
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 13/10/2022

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Manage and lead a team remotely by intertwining leadership principles with the many robust tools of Microsoft Teams. This book shows you how to utilize Microsoft Teams in an effective way to achieve your global team goals.

Leading a team is a challenge, but leading a team in the zoom economy can make you stressed out and overworked. Peter Ward gives the reader a communication and organization centered approach for the dynamic, hardworking, successful employee who wants to step into a leadership role and vastly improve their organization with the aid of Microsoft Teams. Ward shares his own "rules" for successful leadership of teams and small companies, to scale at a steady pace, creating a culture of accountability and responsibility, with a remote workforce, not using venture capital, and applying minimal bureaucracy. Ward says teamwork, right hires, diversity, and work balance are equally important as profitability. Leadership in a Zoom Economy with Microsoft Teams is a portrait of a productive, sane, balanced life that is organized and filled with rich results.

After reading this book, you will be able to extend your Microsoft Team capabilities to day-to-day leadership principles.

What Will You Learn

  • Use MS Teams to build trust in your remote or virtual workplace with teams

  • Work with Planner, Outlook, and Tasks within MS Teams

  • Coach, mentor, and develop your team when you are not in the exact location

  • Lead a remote workforce effectively

  • Apply an entrepreneur mentality to remote teams

  • Create a culture that is innovative and creative when you are a dispersed organization

Who This Book Is For

Managers who want to step into leadership, and leaders who want to raise their leadership game using Microsoft Teams as a technical tool.

Microsoft programming
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Peter Ward

Peter Ward is a professor of biology and of Earth and space sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, and has authored seventeen books, among them the prizewinning Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe, with Donald Brownlee.

He also teaches as the University of Adelaide in Australia. He has been a main speaker at TED and has received the Jim Shea Award for popular science writing. He lives in Washington.

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