Typography is everywhere. If you walk out the door, you will be hard pressed to find any element of our daily lives that doesn't involve or rely on typography. The prevalence of typography is not limited only to the analog world. This eBook introduces historical and cultural aspects of type and how they relate to the Web industry. Find out about changing fads in type, about the complexities of Japanese characters and about typographic applications for different situations. You are sure to learn something that you didn't know before from our great authors.
Japanese, A Beautifully Complex Writing System
Respect Thy Typography
Typography Carved In Stone
Industrial-Strength Types
Legitima Typeface: An Experience Of Fossils And Revivals
When Typography Speaks Louder Than Words
Weird And Wonderful, Yet Still Illegible
Font Wars: A Story On Rivalry Between Type Foundries
Hands-On Experience: The Rehabilitation Of The Script
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