What happened to the ideals of The Founders?
This book first examines the philosophical basis behind those ideals ... with the realization that the concept of The United States of America has no hope of being resurrected unless those ideals are understood. We'll then take a journey through American history and examine how we have steadily destroyed those ideals as surely as if it were all a planned conspiracy spanning the centuries.
* Chapter 1 examines the philosophy of The Enlightenment, and the concepts of morality and liberty which took form in the American experiment.
* Chapter 2 traces that experiment thru the Revolution and the growing pains that culminated in the Constitution.
* Chapter 3 presents the methodology this book uses to understand what is meant by ‘Liberty Lost’. Plans are developed on how an adversary would destroy the fledgling idea represented by the United States. This Plan is then referenced throughout the book as a blueprint against how ‘well’ Liberty is being lost.
* Chapter 4 explains a root precedent for all the destruction to fall; Implied Powers.
* Chapter 5 takes an unconventional look at maybe the most pivotal crisis of Federalism; The War Between the States and its aftermath.
* Chapter 6 looks at the unbridled (and completely anti-Constitutional) power grab represented by a Progressive Income Tax; the Sixteenth Abomination.
* Chapter 7 laments the oft-forgotten tragedy of direct Congressional elections; the Seventeenth Amendment.
* Chapter 8 reviews the losses incurred in the first century and a quarter of American history. A review will also be made of the warriors who tried desperately to awaken Americans to the doom they were willingly walking into. Philosophical linkages will be made between Liberty and Capitalism.
* Chapter 9 introduces the Alice-in-Wonderland maze of U.S. antitrust activities.
* Chapter 10 covers forty years of early Progressivism, bookended by the cousins Roosevelt.
* Chapter 11 traces the real-life Jekyll nightmare; the birth of the unholy alliance between U.S. Government and U.S. Banking. The Federal Reserve’s history and agenda is the topic.
* Chapter 12 points out the truth most Americans refuse to face; pure 100% Socialist policies have been overwhelmingly supported by the electorate since the 1940s. Social Security and Medicare are the topics.
* Chapter 13 traces the right-wing of the Progressive movement; Modern Conservatism.
* Chapter 14 ponders the twin evils which ultimately underpin all the damages done to Liberty; Moral Relativism and Moral Hazards.
* Chapter 15 is a collection of modern examples of the afore-mentioned evils.
* Chapter 16 discusses the history and consequences of America’s modern-era love affair with foreign entanglements.
Everything covered can be looked at as evils perpetuated upon America by some dastardly ‘others’. I see this as the easy way out – a ‘head-in-the-sand’ way of escaping our own collective guilt. Americans did this to the American dream. Nobody forced us to throw away the dream of 1781 ..... and nobody else is going to save us. But if we don’t recognize what we’ve done the game is over.
If there is one message this book attempts to make clear, it is this. There can be no Resurrection unless you realize you have fallen.
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