Buddy is an eight-year-old goldendoodle who loves to play hide-and-seek . . . at least he used to. Buddy is losing his vision and can't do many of his favorite activities anymore. So when he comes to Doggie Daycare, Shawn and Kat try to find something that will bring the old Buddy back. What will it take to get Buddy's tail wagging again? Doggie Daycare is open for business. Join siblings Shawn (9) and Kat (7) Choi as they start their own pet-sitting service out of their San Francisco home. Every dog they meet has its own special personality, sending the kids on fun (and furry) adventures all over the city!
- 9781631633379
- 9781631633379
- Animal stories (Children's / Teenage)
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- North Star Editions
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