Lighting Technology offers a comprehensive and complete overview on the field. It is a translation of the 5th edition of the German textbook "Beleuchtungstechnik" by Huss Media, Berlin. It introduces the fundamentals of lighting technology and discusses concepts for good lighting and daylighting design. This book is widely used in German universities and has already helped generations of students to graduate and kick-off their professional career in the field of lighting. Valuable contributions to this book came from a group of well-established lighting experts consisting of academics and design professionals. It covers the following key aspects: Fundamentals of Lighting Technology, Light Sources and Auxiliary Devices, Luminaires, Lighting Control, Illumination with Daylight, Illumination Systems for Interior Spaces, and Illumination Systems for Exterior Spaces. The motivation for this book was initiated in National lighting associations including but not limited to the German LiTG, the Dutch NSVV andthe Intelligent Lighting Institute ILI of Eindhoven University of Technology with the goal to transfer expert knowledge to everybody interested in broadening his knowledge in the field of lighting technology and illuminating engineering, like university students, researchers and lighting designers. It is suitable to serve as a supportive source of knowledge and reference when studying lighting technology or pursuing a professional qualification as ELE (European Lighting Expert) offered by ELEA, the European Lighting Expert Association. The book provides all the knowledge necessary for working on and successfully completing innovative lighting projects.

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