LIGHTSPEED is an online science fiction and fantasy magazine. In its pages, you will find science fiction: from near-future, sociological soft SF, to far-future, star-spanning hard SF--and fantasy: from epic fantasy, sword-and-sorcery, and contemporary urban tales, to magical realism, science-fantasy, and folktales.
This month, we have original science fiction by Indrapramit Das ("The Worldless") and Adam-Troy Castro ("Death Every Seventy-Two Minutes"), along with SF reprints by Rachel Swirsky ("The Debt of the Innocent") and Julian Mortimer Smith ("Come-from-Aways"). Plus, we have original fantasy by Marta Randall ("The Stone Lover") and Greg Kurzawa ("Soccer Fields and Frozen Lakes"), and fantasy reprints by Eileen Gunn ("Phantom Pain") and CaitlÃn R. Kiernan ("La Peau Verte"). All that, and of course we also have our usual assortment of author spotlights, along with our book and media review columns, plus a feature interview with Nnedi Okorafor. For our ebook readers, we also have an ebook-exclusive reprint of Holly Phillips' novella, "Proving the Rule," and a book excerpt from Taiyo Fujii's ORBITAL CLOUD. Our cover this month is by Reiko Murakami, illustrating Indrapramit Das's story, "The Worldless."
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