Living Wisely and Well in the Evening of Life

Living Wisely and Well in the Evening of Life

by Duncan S. Ferguson
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 29/03/2024

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Living Wisely and Well in the Evening of Life addresses the increasing difficulty of those in our culture who are "in the evening of life," who must manage a rapidly changing society and a new world being born almost daily. There are several dimensions of life which have become especially difficult for those in this position, including loneliness, the sense of being set aside in a changing culture, the cost of medical care, the deep conflicts in our political life, and the increasing sense of not being able to cope. Deep universal values, articulated by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthian church, must be claimed and internalized. Paul artfully guides those from this church in a complex setting by suggesting a "more excellent way" in which to live with complexity and challenge. Then and now, we need to cultivate a thoughtful and credible faith in our mature years; second, we must sustain the well-founded hope, rooted in our faith in a loving God, especially necessary in the evening of life. In keeping with the teaching of Jesus, we should make unconditional love the central value in life. It is possible to flourish in the evening of life undergirded by faith, hope, and love.

Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Wipf and Stock Publishers

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