- Delivers practical, psychologically-informed, and spiritually-sound guidance for Christian parents regarding LGBTQ+ matters.
- Written by a marriage and family therapist who is a Christian and a former lesbian
- Fosters connection between Christian parents and LGBTQ+ children
- Offers guidance on how to discuss LGBTQ+ topics with young kids in a Christian home
- Normalizes grief, fear, and shame that most Christian parents of LGBTQ+ children experience
- Teaches concerned Christian parents how to talk to their kids about sex, sexuality and gender
- Reclaims God’s intent for sex, sexuality, and gender, offering insights into the modern cultural perspective on such topics
- Provides specific help to Christian parents of LGBTQ+ children, offering them practical and spiritual guidance on how to maintain connection and unconditional love for their children while maintaining a clear conscience before God
- Creates a bridge between Christian parents that hold to the traditional interpretation of the Biblical Sexual Ethic and whose children do not.
- 9781636983806
- 9781636983806
- Religious aspects of sexuality
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Morgan James Publishing
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