A promise to her sister sent rising ballet star Cheryl Steele temporarily back to the hometown she had fled years ago in disgrace. Then an unexpected snowstorm and an injured foot soon landed her in the home of Sam Hardin. Sam's two little girls wrapped themselves around her heart...while they schemed to make Cheryl not a guest or temporary nanny but their new mom.But staying with the Hardin family made Cheryl uneasy. She feared confessing past secrets to Sam, and she had even greater fear of the present. Because the more Cheryl stayed with Sam, the more it all felt so right....
- 9781488732201
- 9781488732201
- Adult & contemporary romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Series Special Releases
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