LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, PART ONE is a story first related by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
told again to my grandchildren, who wanted songs to go along with it. Their ages
ranged from eight to thirteen at the time. This illustrated, musical eBook presents
those songs with a narrated story for readers of that age group or younger.
My idea was to present the life of Jesus of Nazareth in a very non-denominational
way, showing his radical philosophy (love and forgiveness in the Middle East?), his
courage, his healing gifts and his message of eternal life.
This ebook is Part One of the story: his childhood, family and friends, and his extraordinary
teachings. Part Two will cover the plot against him, his crucifixion and
return to life for a period of forty days, and finally, the courage of his apostles in
carrying his message throughout the Roman Empire. I plan to release that ebook
in 2015 .
Linda Day
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