When I realized that I was channeling a book about the Devil, I became concerned. After all, I am a channel of the Light. Who would believe me? Who would want to read a book written by the Devil? Would I be branded a heretic? However, this is a story that must be told.
Lucifer is real. The Mother Goddess and angels in Heaven are real. Because people are so far removed from the celestial realms, they don't believe in them. They get their spiritual information from various religions that they follow. However, if one becomes a mystic or spiritual adept, one sees very clearly that there are worlds beyond this one, with many sentient beings, who have much to share.
Lucifer was the firstborn son of the Mother Goddess, and he left that heavenly world many eons ago. He went his own way and suffered the consequences of his unloving actions. The good news is that he has returned to the Light, and he is bringing many souls back with him. This channeled book is his story of what it's like to fall from the highest echelon in the cosmos to the lowliest place in Hell, to be full of despair, hatred and violence, and to then come back again.
His crystal-clear message is that no soul is unredeemable. Anyone can return to the celestial realms. The people of Earth are divided, distracted and confused in current times. They don't know right from wrong. They don't know what to believe. They don't know their true history, and they want answers.
Lucifer describes how this world really works and who is in control. He explains his relationship to Prime Creator and how they fought each other for eons of time, because he wanted to be God. He brings attention to the special mission of Jesus Christ, and who he really was. He talks about his current lifetime in the Light as Roth, and how troubling it was for him.
Lucifer talks about his commitment to bringing the fallen angels home. He recounts his own internal struggle that brought him back to the Celestial Realms. He brings new information regarding crystals, Venus, Heaven, Spiritual Masters, Satanism, the Anti Christ and the New Earth. He does this to bring more clarity and understanding to humanity.
I have searched my soul and have clearly channeled some of these answers from my spirit guides. Lucifer wanted to tell his story and his story is a warning for others. Do not follow my path, but if you have, you can return to the Light and save your soul. You can become a being of great joy, love, peace, creativity and service again.
I am happy that I channeled Lucifer's voice. It is a story that we can all relate to and learn from. I certainly did. I was told that this book would offer healing to those who read it because of the personalities involved. The combined energy of the primal Mother Goddess and her son is a potent force that can purge many dark entities, energies and thought forms from an individual's consciousness.
This book is put before you for your consideration. It is new information and to some it may be heresy. Others may take offense. However, I understand that all original thought goes through resistance and testing by the masses. I am reminded of Copernicus and Galileo, whose pivotal discoveries were scoffed at in their time, only to be accepted wholeheartedly many years later.
Lastly, it is an amazing time to be alive. We are experiencing the great Shift of the Ages. This book is meant to elucidate, regenerate and purify you all at the same time. My wish is that you read this book and become blessed. Remember that you are loved, and love is the energy from whence you came. 170 pages.
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