(Educational Piano Library). "Overture" has been defined as an introduction to something more substantial. Dennis Alexander's Overture series is just that! Magical Overtures is the second of three and includes 10 original pieces perfect for auditions, festivals, and recitals. Featuring everything from mixed meters to boogie woogie learning patterns, it's all here! Titles: Copycat * Creepers * Gotta Boogie Woogie * Lydian March * Lys flottants (Floating Lilies) * Panache! * Perious Journey * The Royal Couple * Synergy * Une petite valse.
- 9781705152867
- 9781705152867
- Musical scores
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Hal Leonard
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