This bench book is intended as a quick reference book for Magistrates in Botswana. It discusses general principles of law relevant to the work of Magistrates in Botswana. It covers wide ranging topics relevant to the work of Magistrates such as: judicial independence, impartiality, jurisdiction, judicial case management, the legal system, conduct of court matters, key concepts of the law of evidence, fact finding and court hearings.The book is rich with critical advice to Magistrates. In particular it emphasizes that a Magistrate shall uphold the integrity and independence of the Judiciary, avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of the activities of the Magistrate's activities. Although the book is primarily intended as a critical resource for Magistrates in Botswana, all judicial officers and lawyers in Botswana and other Commonwealth countries may find it useful. The book is set to have a profound impact on how Magistrates apply their judicial skills in the resolution of disputes. In addition to the above, it will be indispensable for training purposes.

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