Blazing sunlight, brutal heat, and parched earth make the desert one of the deadliest environments on the planet. This interactive book challenges readers to plot their survival in this blistering biome. Makerspace activities encourage engineering solutions to real problems that crop up in the desert. Readers will rely on a map, a supply list, and their STEM skills to problem-solve their way to safety. Fascinating fact boxes offer intriguing information on this dangerous habitat and survival. This high-interest topic will attract readers who may be reluctant to learn STEM materials, ensuring this book will be a popular addition to any library.
- 9781499434613
- 9781499434613
- Educational: Sciences
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc
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