A gripping tale of espionage and ambition, where the future of a nation is being decided in a remote SA desert d****uring the darkest days of the cold war ...
In the desolate wilds of South Australia, British Lieutenant Daniel Gardiner, lured by the promise of rapid promotion, finds himself entangled with MI6's covert operatives and Australian military secrets, as they navigate a landscape shadowed by the looming presence of nuclear testing.
Into this world of hidden agendas, Elizabeth Hoffmann, a bold English journalist, embarks on a journey fuelled by love and a relentless quest for truth, drawing her into the heart of Maralinga's mystery.
Amidst the intrigue and romance, a poignant story emerges of the First Australians, whose 40,000 year old connection to their land is threatened by the silent, devastating impact of nuclear tests, unveiling a saga of loss and resilience that speaks to the very soul of a nation.
'Mistress of the ripping yarn.' SUN-HERALD
'500 pages of perfect reading.' AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY
'Perfect summer reading.' SYDNEY MORNING HERALD
'A master of what she does.' WEEKLY TIMES
'A stunning blockbuster.' WOMAN'S DAY
'A prolific writer of bestsellers.' THE AGE
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