To have and to hold…until the debts are paid! After her first disastrous marriage, wealthy heiress Amethyst Cameron swore she'd never take a husband again.Yet her beloved father's deepest wish is for her to wed an aristocrat to protect her life and reputation. Lord Montcliffe must marry into money to save his debt-ridden estate, but he doesn't have to like it — or his bewitching future bride. So he's stunned by the feelings stirred up by one scorching kiss! But when Daniel uncovers the truth, can he accept the real Amethyst and help to banish the ghost of her past forever?
- 9781488796531
- 9781488796531
- Historical romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Historical
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