This book presents all the secrets of creating Themes by changing colors and settings in the Appearance Options dialog.
The book digs deeper into creating Themes than any other tutorial or video. It tells you what you need, how to start, and what to change to create your Themes.
Produce the best possible environment to complete your Work in Progress. Mastering Scrivener Themes includes checklists for Testing and suggestions for Sharing your creation.
For the price of a one cup of coffee, you will acquire the know-how of building Scrivener Themes that surpasses almost every other Theme. When you want your digital writing environment just as comfortable as your writing environment in the real world, this book provides all information necessary to reach that goal.
When creating Scrivener Themes, did you know you can:
- Change the background color of almost every pane?
- Change the fonts and save them in you Theme?
-Change the Editor background color, text color, selection color and current line Highlight color?
-Choose a texture to show next to your fixed width Editor?
-Choose a background for the Corkboard View Mode?
-Choose a background for the Composition Mode?
-Adjust the font used in the User Interface?
-Present Index Cards in traditional or modern style?
-Show Outliner grid lines and alternating row colors?
-Change Scrivenings divider lines?
-Choose the color of Snapshot Deleted and New text?
-Choose the colors of the Target ProgressBars?
- Color the Invisible characters in the Editor?
- Color the Find Results Highlights?
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