Riots in Hamburg and Lubeck— Attempted suicide of M. Konning— Evacuation of Hamburg— Dissatisfaction at the conduct of General St. Cyr— The Cabinets of Vienna and the Tuileries— First appearance of the Cossacks— Colonel Tettenborn invited to occupy Hamburg— Cordial reception of the Russians— Depredations— Levies of troops— Testimonials of gratitude to Tettenborn— Napoleon's new army— Death of General Morand— Remarks of Napoleon on Vandamme— Bonaparte and Gustavus Adolphus— Junction of the corps of Davoust and Vandamme— Reoccupation of Hamburg by the French— General Hogendorff appointed Governor of Hamburg— Exactions and vexatious contributions levied upon Hamburg and Lubeck— Hostages.
- 9782819949091
- 9782819949091
- Classic fiction
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
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