My departure from Hamburg-The King at St. Denis— Fouche appointed Minister of the Police— Delay of the King's entrance into Paris— Effect of that delay— Fouche's nomination due to the Duke of Wellington— Impossibility of resuming my post— Fouche's language with respect to the Bourbons— His famous postscript— Character of Fouche— Discussion respecting the two cockades— Manifestations of public joy repressed by Fouche— Composition of the new Ministry— Kind attention of Blucher— The English at St. Cloud— Blucher in Napoleon's cabinet— My prisoner become my protector— Blucher and the innkeeper's dog— My daughter's marriage contract— Rigid etiquette— My appointment to the Presidentship of the Electoral College of the Yonne— My interview with Fouche— My audience of the King— His Majesty made acquainted with my conversation with Fouche— The Duke of Otranto's disgrace— Carnot deceived by Bonaparte— My election as deputy— My colleague, M
- 9782819949121
- 9782819949121
- Classic fiction
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
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