Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Archive Vol. 2

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Archive Vol. 2

by Haim SabanStefan Petrucha Tom Bierbaum and others
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 30/01/2019

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The legacy of the Power Rangers stretches far beyond the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Angel Grove. This volume collects action-packed stories of some of the most legendary teams: Power Rangers Zeo, Turbo Rangers, Super Samurai Rangers, Megaforce Rangers, and the classic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Based on the revolutionary TV series, this collection features stories by a team of all-star writers including Tom and Mary Bierbaum (Legion of Super-Heroes) and Dan Slott (The Amazing Spider-Man), along with fan-favorite artists Todd Nauck (Young Justice), Ron Lim (Silver Surfer), and many more.

Graphic novels: superheroes & super-villains
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Boom! Studios
Stefan Petrucha

Stefan Petrucha has written over 20 novels and hundreds of graphic novels for adults, young adults and tweens. His work has sold over a million copies worldwide. He also teaches online classes through the University of Massachusetts. Born in the Bronx, he spent his formative years moving between the big city and the suburbs, both of which made him prefer escapism.

A fan of comic books, science fiction and horror since learning to read, in high school and college he added a love for all sorts of literary work, eventually learning that the very best fiction always brings you back to reality - so, really, there's no way out.

Dan Slott

Dan Slott has built a loyal fan base by combining old-school fun with stories and characterizations friendly to new readers. Following a run on She-Hulk which combined his sly humor and encyclopedic Marvel knowledge with an imaginative take on a comic-book law firm Slott moved into the upper echelon of Marvel writers, launching Avengers: The Initiative and taking the reins on Mighty Avengers from Brian Michael Bendis.

When Marvel gave Spider-Man a fresh start in 2008, Slott was one of several rotating writers on a thrice-monthly Amazing Spider-Man. Through three years and a hundred issues, Slott became the writer most closely identified with the web-slinger's "Brand New Day" era. Amazing hit the "Big Time" when Slott took over as full-time writer, chronicling a new chapter in the life of Peter Parker with artists such as Humberto Ramos, Stefano Caselli and Marcos Martin.

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