Mildred Dunnock is excerpted from Tennessee Williams and Company: His Essential Screen Actors by John DiLeo. The essay focuses on Mildred Dunnocks roles in the films Baby Doll (1956) and Sweet Bird of Youth (1962), which are based on plays by Tennessee Williams. The author John DiLeo provides additional information about Mildred Dunnocks film career as it relates to the making of these films. John DiLeo also provides sidebars filled with tidbits related to these films and their times that movie buffs now expect from him, plus he provides a filmography and a list of Academy Wards and nominations for the actor.
- 9781601827098
- 9781601827098
- Film theory & criticism
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Hansen Publishing Group
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