To live in harmony with nature's plan requires that we unite with mind, body, and spirit. If we merely identify with our body, for example, as many people do, our happiness is subject to our material form. Then what happens to our self-image as our body ages, or we become ill? It is for this reason that many people mistakenly identify with their illness or their aging body at this point in their life; but that is not who they are.
By appreciating we are composed of the material and non-material self, our body moves towards higher states of health, radiant energy, beauty and the vitality of life flowing through it. Allow me to render a caveat at this point: it takes time and commitment to develop into the person I am describing here. What is the hurry? The urgency to lose weight NOW is merely a marketing tactic to deprive us of our hard-earned dollars.
Nature does not subscribe to this ideal, nor should we. She is patient and endearing. Humans are the only mammals where the young have the longest developmental period – there is a reason and purpose to nature's timing. Slow and steady is Nature's trademark – there is no haste or urgency to life.
In keeping with this line of thought, health is not an event, rather it is a PROCESS which evolves. There is no need to rush the process of life. A person living in alignment with their authentic nature knows that any disturbance to their wellbeing is only transient. They have a universal view that life is an enduring process. They are not invested in their mental or emotional state, knowing that thoughts and emotions come and go like ocean tides. They witness their thoughts like waves crashing into the shoreline. They know that in time, these thoughts too shall pass; much like the changing seasons.
Mind Body Wellness e-book is about appreciating the value of your health and wellbeing in a different light. I assure you that as you connect with mind, body, and spirit, your life will transform. You will look back with uncertainty and not understand why it took so long to achieve a blissful state of being. Remember: patience and persistence will undoubtedly prosper in the long term. You should make it a priority from this moment forward to grow into somebody worthy of living an authentic and captivating life.
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