Waddell has interviewed the directors of these 30 modern day horror films and in addition provides critiques and memories of fillms such as An American Werewolf in London, King of the Ants, 2000 Maniacs!, Strange Behavior, Intruder, etc.
Waddell spent years interviewing the cutting-edge horror film makers featured in Minds of Fear. Exclusive commentary from horrormeisters such as John Landis, David Cronenberg, Wes Craven, Bill Condon, Scott Spiegel, Herschell Gordon Lewis, Tobe Hooper, Guillermo Del Toro, Bob Clark, Sean Cunningham, David Naughton, Chuck Russell, Jack Sholder, Lewis Teague and many others offers readers an in-depth look at 30 modern horror film classics.
"In a market that is so full of material on genre product, it must be a daunting task to try and write something fresh and original and approach the subject from a unique perspective. It's certainly not something I would like to have to try and attempt – but Calum Waddell is brave enough to enter into the fray and offers his own entry into the library of books on genre films. And furthermore, he succeeds in his endeavours and his book Minds of Fear is a triumph and a joy to read."—Digital Retribution
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