The Mini Bar series maybe small in size, but each tiny tome is filled with classic and original recipes that pack quite a wallop! Vodka enthusiasts will find delightful concoctions covering everything from the sophisticated Martini to the festive Fig Leaf Fizz. Each volume in this new series tells the history of its particular alcohol, as well as its distinct traits and characteristics. A glossary of essential bar tools and cocktail terminology will ensure readers not only walk the walk of an expert mixologist, but also talk the talk. With more than 50 delicious recipes, this little cocktail book makes a spirited stocking stuffer or great gift.
- 9781452100098
- 9781452100098
- Beverages
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Chronicle Books LLC
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