The 'Bison' and Grille' are today's commonly used names for the German self-propelled 15cm schwere Infanteriegeschütz 33 (sIG33) vehicles of World War II. The sIG33 was the most powerful support weapon for the German infantry at the beginning of the war, and from 1940 it was mounted on a range of tracked vehicles. This title provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to modelling a 1/35-scale German self-propelled sIG33 Vehicle. The modeller is led through the various skill levels of construction by combining existing kits with some aftermarket accessories and scratch-built items. Key aspects such as finishing techniques, including painting and displaying your model are also covered. This guide forms part of Osprey Modelling 19 Modelling the German 15cm sIG33 Bison and Grille ebook.
- 9781780969329
- 9781780969329
- Second World War
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Bloomsbury Publishing
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