This book is about how Mohamed Bin Salman is leading Saudi Arabia to a new future, with his vision of 2030 as a vital part of it. As well as how the Arabian Peninsula countries are developing economically and culturally into a more modern societies. The book shows how important is becoming Arabia Saudi by the hand of MBS and his brilliant strategy for a sustainable economy that invests oil revenues into more sustainable industries not only in the country but in the World. Equally is an invitation for all to visit this region, and enjoy the FIFA football cup Qatar 2022. The pivotal significance of this book is that present to readers a new marvelous of the region that is to be the center of the new world order: a new multipolar world order.
- 9798215117293
- 9798215117293
- Business ethics & social responsibility
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Richard
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