(Educational Piano Library). A superb collection of popular songs, sure to please the progressing student! Correlated with Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Piano Lessons Book 3, these arrangements are also a perfect supplementary choice for all methods. Includes both stand-alone solos, and student solos with teacher accompaniments. 9 songs, some with teacher accompaniments: The Bare Necessities * Climb Ev'ry Mountain * A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes * Go the Distance * God Help the Outcasts * I Whistle a Happy Tune * Once upon a Dream * Part of Your World * Sesame Street Theme * Stand by Me * Tomorrow * What a Wonderful World. Level: Late Elementary. Notation includes all note values and rests, including eighths/dotted-eighths; 3/4 and 4/4; swing eighths; simple pedaling; D.S. al Fine; 1st/2nd endings; intervals through a 6th; 5-finger patterns, limited movement around the keyboard via 5-finger-pattern or triad positions. Reading range: Bass Clef outer Ledger C-Treble Clef outer Ledger C.
- 9781476830599
- 9781476830599
- Musical scores
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Hal Leonard
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