Will this hurt me...more than it hurts you?
Josh and Dori Goldin are the perfect couple. And they have a perfect baby boy: he is eight months old, he has blue eyes and tawny hair, and no, he hasn't started to talk yet. And he doesn't react to his name. And he did lose consciousness recently. And coughed up blood... And then his heart stopped. For no obvious reason.
But young children always scare their parents... Don't they?
More Than It Hurts You is the compelling and devastating story of a seemingly perfect family spinning into crisis: a mother accused of harming her child, and a father shocked into realizing that the people he loves the most may be the people he should trust the least.
- 9781782395430
- 9781782395430
- Fiction
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Atlantic Books
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