Have you ever seen a couple and thought 'what does she see in him?' He might be overweight, bald, badly dressed or just really 'reliable and average', and yet he's with a gorgeous girl. And there you are – smart, intelligent, funny... but single! So what's his secret? The answer is remarkably simple. He has something that she wants... and so do you! You just don't know what it is yet. While most men focus on creating the impression THEY THINK is attractive to women, if you play to your natural strengths and her desires in the ways outlined in this book, you'll stand out from the crowd and be an instant hit! This straight-talking dating guide will help you stop sabotaging yourself, and learn how to:
• get clear on who you are, your values, and what you need to satisfy you
• play to your natural strengths, AND her desires
• avoid making unspoken schoolboy errors
• perfect your personal brand
• understand what modern women really want from you.
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