Morocco: Sahara and Atlas

Morocco: Sahara and Atlas

by Stephen Platt and Scharlie Platt
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 15/09/2018

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We had a trip to Morocco in mind for some years, since Frances, our daughter, went there on buying trips twenty years ago. But this time we visited parts that were new to her. From Fez we crossed the Atlas Mountains and went south into the desert, then west along the mountains to Finnt, across to Marrakesh and back along the northern flank to Fez. Iā€™m glad we went now because Morocco is changing. Everywhere we went there were signs of development ā€“ half finished apartments blocks, new suburbs and building plots. But Morocco feels authentic ā€“ women in bright Berber costume riding donkeys loaded with fodder, families out for an evening stroll, women washing clothes in the river. Even the stallholders and merchants seemed more polite and agreeable than in other places. Everyone was friendly and helpful and it was a pleasure to speak bad French.

Travel & holiday
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Leveret Publishing

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