Museum Pieces: The Forgotten History, Science, and Mystery Behind Some of the Most Interesting Museum Exhibits and Historical Places in the World

Museum Pieces: The Forgotten History, Science, and Mystery Behind Some of the Most Interesting Museum Exhibits and Historical Places in the World

by Lenny Flank
Publication Date: 17/05/2015

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The history and science behind some of the most interesting and famous museum exhibits in the world, from the Smithsonian, the London Natural History Museum, the Chicago Field Museum, the LaBrea Tar Pits, the Oslo Viking Ship Museum, the Independence Mall Museum, the American Museum of Natural History; and others. The stories behind: "Sue", the most complete T rex skeleton ever found; how a little piece of Mars ended up on display in Chicago; Ohka, the only airplane deliberately designed to kill its pilot; Blackbeard and the Golden Age of piracy; Drakkar, the Viking longship; the Tsavo Man-Eaters; the Tully Monster; the bloody Tower of London; the Hope Diamond and its famous curse; Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space; the Liberty Bell's trip from Philadelphia to Allentown; and others.

General & world history
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Lenny Flank

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