My Favorite Animal: Chickens

My Favorite Animal: Chickens

by Victoria Marcos
Publication Date: 10/06/2024

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Embark on a Fascinating Journey into the World of Chickens! My Favorite Animal: Chickens by Victoria Marcos offers a delightful exploration of one of the most ubiquitous and familiar farm animals. This beautifully illustrated book delves into the life, habits, and history of chickens, from their domestication thousands of years ago to the role they play in our lives today. Learn about the incredible diversity of chickens worldwide, with more than 50 billion chickens living on our planet. Discover the differences between roosters, hens, cockerels, and pullets, and learn how to distinguish them by their physical characteristics. Uncover the omnivorous diet of chickens, their foraging habits, and their surprising willingness to eat almost anything, from seeds to small reptiles. Explore the social life of chickens, including how they live in flocks, communicate with each other, and protect their young and territory. Featuring interactive questions to engage young readers, My Favorite Animal: Chickens is not just an educational read but also an invitation to appreciate the complex world of these fascinating birds. It's a book that will intrigue and educate children about the importance of chickens in nature and human history. Suitable for children aged 5-8, this book is a must-have for young animal lovers and budding farmers eager to learn more about the feathered friends in our backyards.

Farm animals (Children's / Teenage)
Publication Date:
Xist Publishing

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