Embark on an Enchanting Journey into the World of Foxes! My Favorite Animal: Foxes by Victoria Marcos offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of these cunning and beautiful creatures. With captivating illustrations, this book introduces children to the diverse world of foxes, from their habitats and physical features to their unique behaviors and diet. Discover the habitats of foxes across North America, Asia, North Africa, and Europe, and learn how their fur color adapts to their environment. Explore the physical characteristics of foxes, including their long, bushy tails and pointed noses, and find out why they are often mistaken for being larger than they actually are. Uncover the secrets of the fox's diet, from hunting small animals to foraging for fruits and insects, and their incredible ability to use the earth's magnetic field as a hunting aid. Delve into the social life of foxes, their nocturnal habits, exceptional hearing, and the intriguing way they communicate within their packs. Featuring interactive questions to engage young readers' curiosity, My Favorite Animal: Foxes is an educational adventure that brings the mysterious world of foxes to life. It's a perfect read for children fascinated by wildlife and eager to learn more about one of nature's most adaptable animals. Suitable for kids aged 5-8, this book is a wonderful addition to any young explorer's library, encouraging a deeper appreciation for the natural world and its inhabitants.
- 9781532416224
- 9781532416224
- Category:
- Wildlife (Children's / Teenage)
- Publication Date:
- 10-06-2024
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Xist Publishing
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