My Favorite Animal: Orcas

My Favorite Animal: Orcas

by Victoria Marcos
Publication Date: 10/06/2024

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Dive into the Deep with My Favorite Animal: Orcas Plunge into the fascinating world of the ocean's most powerful predator with My Favorite Animal: Orcas by Victoria Marcos. This enlightening addition to the My Favorite Animal series uncovers the mysterious life of orcas, also known as killer whales, which are the largest members of the dolphin family. Discover the incredible features of orcas, from their astonishing size — males can weigh up to 18,000 pounds — to their unique social structure, living in groups called pods. Explore the different types of orcas: resident, transient, and offshore, and learn about their diets, from herring and salmon to seals, sea lions, and even other whales. With engaging facts and stunning visuals, My Favorite Animal: Orcas is perfect for young readers curious about these majestic creatures of the deep. Find out how orcas hunt in groups, using sophisticated techniques like wave-hunting and spy-hopping, and how they communicate with each other through a complex language of vocalizations. Join us on this thrilling journey into the lives of orcas and discover why they are one of the ocean's most fascinating and formidable predators. What will be your favorite thing about orcas? Dive into this book to find out!

Wildlife (Children's / Teenage)
Publication Date:
Xist Publishing

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