My Favorite Animal: Seals

My Favorite Animal: Seals

by Victoria Marcos
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 10/06/2024

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Splash into the World of Seals with My Favorite Animal: Seals Dive with Victoria Marcos into the fascinating world of seals in My Favorite Animal: Seals, a captivating addition to the My Favorite Animal series. This book takes young explorers on an icy adventure to the Arctic and Antarctic, where the true seals dwell, and even to some tropical waters where they're found basking in the sun. Learn about the 18 species of "true" seals, from the massive southern elephant seal, which can weigh up to 8,500 pounds, to the small and agile ring seal, the most common seal in the Arctic. Discover how these earless seals, often mistaken for sea lions, navigate both land and sea with their uniquely adapted bodies, from their torpedo-like shape to their powerful flippers. With vibrant illustrations and intriguing facts, My Favorite Animal: Seals reveals the seals' carnivorous diet, their hunting techniques, and their incredible adaptation to cold environments with thick fur and blubber. Find out how seals socialize in large colonies, care for their pups on land, and communicate with each other through various sounds.

Wildlife (Children's / Teenage)
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Xist Publishing

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