My Teen Coming out Journal

My Teen Coming out Journal

by Alan Cox
Publication Date: 11/05/2024

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'My Teen Coming out Journal', written by Alan Cox, a UK based Life Coach, is much more than just a journal. It gives practical advice for teens who have decided that they want to share how they feel with family, friends or just those around them.

It sets out a definition of what coming out actually means as well as some of the issues that might arise. This is followed by a list of fifty questions parents might ask in a supportive manner. This will prepare the teen for that time.

However, not everyone will be on the teen's side. To reflect that, there is also a series of questions that non-accepting people might ask the teen. Facing hostility can be a crushing experience for a young person. Therefore, by working through this area teens will be better prepared – they can put on their LGBTQ+ 'armour'.

Finally, there is a section for self-reflection to help teens work through different situations.

This book is a powerful tool to empower teens, their parents and counsellors who might work with them.

Family & relationships
Publication Date:
​Alan Cox

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