Throughout history, from ancient times until today, the motif of the “dying god”, the god who dies and resurrects, appears in variations in the cosmology and rituals of the religions.
...From the primary misconception of the hunter-gatherer man that earth is of female gender since she gives birth, and the open-air orgies of the hunter-gathering group in order to impel the sky to cast his sperm –rain– on earth so as to inseminate her, up to the worship of Cybele and the self-castration of the initiates to amplify the fruitfulness of earth, ritually burying their genitals...
...From the flashy myths of Tammuz of Mesopotamia, up to the rituals of the Egyptian Osiris in order to amplify the Nile’s floods, and the, scattered within the mysteries, purification acts...
...From the week-long anguish for the loss of the turned-Greek Adonis, the laments around his bed, the procession of his flower decorated coffin, and his final resurrection in an explosion of joy, up to Christianity...
...a multitude of dying gods is unfolded in this small masterpiece of a book which ‘widens’ only as much as it is needed and focuses on the essence of the mysteries, lightening in this way the unshown and diligently forgotten root of religions.
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