The story is set in Southern Africa during the 19th century and follows the life of a Zulu warrior named Umslopogaas, who is known for his bravery and skill in battle. Umslopogaas is born into the royal household of the Zulu king, but his mother is murdered and he is forced to flee. He grows up among a tribe of outcasts and becomes a renowned warrior, eventually becoming the leader of his tribe. Umslopogaas is also in love with a beautiful Zulu girl named Nada, who is renowned for her beauty and purity. However, Nada is also coveted by the Zulu king, who wants to make her one of his wives. Umslopogaas and Nada flee together and travel through the dangerous African wilderness, pursued by the king's warriors.
- 9781787365896
- 9781787365896
- Category:
- Classic fiction
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- 07-03-2023
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
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