New Leadership Communication—Inspire Your Horizon

New Leadership Communication—Inspire Your Horizon

by Nicole Pfeffermann and Monika Schaller
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/09/2023

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This new book aims at inspiring managers and passionate, influential (new) leaders to re-think how to address communication markets, challenge the way how to orchestrate communication instruments, find new ways to communicate the New, and cultivate a positive communication culture. Leadership communication is a critical success factor of senior management teams and (new) leaders (game changer, pioneers) in the digital and human age to better interact and connect with others; drive innovation and adoption processes; and empower young minds with joy, abundance, and wisdom. In the classical view, leadership communication is part of management communication which means leaders primarily use instruments focusing on teams, presentations, and negotiations. In the modern view, however, new leadership communication also encompasses social media and innovation communication. It dives deeper into ground rules for effective leadership communication and key themes, such as virtual communication,innovation and leadership, and communication model innovation. Be the inspiration! Become a new leader and shape the world.

Engineering: general
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Springer International Publishing

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