- There is no other book like this: there have been memoirs on individual experiences but nothing that draws together such a spectrum of stories that challenge the silence on (in)fertility, baby loss, childlessness and so on.
- Kat Brown is a brilliant spokeswoman for the cause, a beloved figure online (15k Twitter followers) and is a regular on podcasts, Radio 4, etc. Her other book, It's Not A Bloody Trend: Understanding Life as an ADHD Adult, is out with Little Brown in Feb 24.
- High-profile contributors who are happy to do events and panels, including Alice Jolly, Laura Barton (16k Twitter followers), Sophia Money-Coutts (12k followers), Yvonne John (Gateway Women w/ Jody Day).
- Perfect for fans of Adrift by Miranda Ward, Living the Life Unexpected by Jody Day, Dead Babies and Seaside Towns by Alice Jolly and (M)otherhood by Pragya Agarwal.
- 9781800182882
- 9781800182882
- Advice on parenting
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Unbound
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