Custody and Support: Get the Answers You Need
When you’re getting divorced, you can make a tough time easier for yourself and your children if you work with the other parent to agree on a custody plan and child support. If you can’t resolve these issues, you’ll have to head to court and ask a judge to decide for you.
Either way, Nolo’s Essential Guide to Child Custody & Support can help. You’ll learn how to:
• negotiate and use mediation to keep costs down and improve future dealings with your ex
•find your state’s child support guidelines
• advocate for the custody arrangements you want
• enforce and change custody and support orders
• anticipate how your case will be handled by a judge if you go to trial
• recognize the situations where you need a lawyer, and
• work with a lawyer.
You’ll also find information on subjects such as the factors judges consider when they rule on custody arrangements, and what happens when one parent wants to move away with the children.
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