Notes from Underground

Notes from Underground

by Roger Scruton
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 12/03/2014

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Bronze Winner of a 2015 Independent Publisher Award in the Suspense/Thriller Category

Set in the twilight years of the Czechoslovak communist regime and recalled from the suburbs of Washington. Roger Scruton evokes a world in which every word and gesture bears a double meaning, as people seek to find truth amid the lies and love in the midst of betrayal.

Notes From Underground tells the story of Jan Reichl, condemned to a menial life by his father's alleged crime, and of Betka, the girl who offers him education, opportunity, and love, but mysteriously refuses to commit herself. Their doomed love affair within the system that traps them comes alive on the pages, creating a beautifully tense look into life under communist regimes and the effects it has on the people living within them.

Classic fiction
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Beaufort Books
Roger Scruton

Sir Roger Scruton is a graduate of Jesus College, Cambridge. He has been Professor of Aesthetics at Birkbeck College, London, and University Professor at Boston University.

He is currently visiting professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford and Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington DC. He has published a large number of books, including some works of fiction, and has written and composed two operas.

He writes regularly for the Times, the Daily Telegraph, the Spectator and was for many years wine critic of the New Statesman.

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