Nuclear or Not?

Nuclear or Not?

by Gerald Foley and Ariane van Buren
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 22/10/2013

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Nuclear or Not? Choice for Our Energy Future documents the proceedings of a Royal Institution Forum held in October 1978. The Forum brought together the Friends of the Earth and the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority to discuss their opposing views concerning energy policy and nuclear power in the UK. The volume begins by presenting the opening address given by Dr John Cunningham, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the UK Department of Energy, where he emphasized the Government's commitment to open debate and the need to 'ensure that the development of nuclear power does not outstrip public acceptance and understanding of what it involves'. The remainder to the text is devoted to the papers presented and discussions held during separate sessions on the energy problem, strategies for the future, alternative energy sources, the technological demands of nuclear power, the international proliferation of nuclear weapons, and policy steps for the UK. The text concludes with a review of the Forum.

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Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Elsevier Science

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